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Earth Day 🌳 to Earth YEAR

How to be more sustainable and protect our planet beyond just Earth Day

Hello, and happy post-Earth Day weekend! As we reflect on the importance of our planet and the impact that we have on it, I wanted to share my own journey towards taking better care of our earth. Over the past year, I have been really focusing on ways to reduce my carbon footprint through the principles of

"reduce, reuse, and recycle."

By being more mindful of my consumption and waste, I've been able to make small but impactful changes to my daily routine. For example, I've started bringing my own reusable bags to the grocery store, using a refillable water bottle instead of buying single-use plastic bottles, and composting food waste instead of throwing it in the trash.

These changes not only benefit the environment, but they can also be a great way to budget and reduce waste, which can in turn save you time and money. With that in mind, I'd love to discuss more Earth Day and ways we can all better our household and planet. Together, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

First I want us to chat about Earth Day! What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is an annual event that is celebrated on April 22nd each year. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices to protect our planet. It is a global event that brings together people from all around the world to participate in various activities and initiatives aimed at creating a more sustainable future.

The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 and was founded by Gaylord Nelson, a US Senator from Wisconsin. Nelson was inspired to create Earth Day after witnessing the impact of the 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. He wanted to create a movement that would raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage people to take action to protect the planet.

On the first Earth Day, over 20 million people participated in events and activities across the United States. The movement continued to gain momentum and eventually led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the passage of several key environmental laws, including the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

Today, Earth Day is celebrated in over 190 countries around the world and has become a powerful force for change. It reminds us that we all have a responsibility to take care of our planet and encourages us to take action to create a more sustainable future.

Lets Dive into some cool Facts about Earth DAY

  • Earth Day is the largest secular observance in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year.

  • The theme for Earth Day 2021 was "Restore Our Earth," with a focus on promoting ecosystem restoration and reducing carbon emissions.

  • In 2016, the Paris Agreement was signed on Earth Day, bringing together countries from around the world to work towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.

  • Earth Day was the inspiration for the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States in 1970.

  • Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd every year, which is also the birthday of the modern environmental movement's founder, Gaylord Nelson.

  • Earth Day Network, the organization behind Earth Day, works year-round to promote sustainability and protect the planet through initiatives like reforestation projects, plastic reduction campaigns, and advocacy for renewable energy.

  • Every year, Earth Day events and activities take place in over 190 countries around the world, bringing people together to promote a more sustainable future for all.

Earth Day is important because it raises awareness about the environmental issues facing our planet and encourages people to take action to address them. It reminds us of the urgent need to protect our natural resources, reduce pollution, and preserve biodiversity.

Climate change, pollution, and deforestation are just a few of the challenges that our planet faces, and they have significant consequences for our health, well-being, and the survival of countless species. Earth Day serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet and creating a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Through Earth Day events and initiatives, individuals, organizations, and governments can come together to promote environmental stewardship and work towards solutions to environmental challenges. This can include things like planting trees, reducing waste and energy use, advocating for policy changes, and supporting sustainable practices in business and everyday life.

While Earth Day is an important reminder of the need to protect our planet and take action to address environmental issues, it's important to remember that the work doesn't end after just one day. Creating a sustainable future requires ongoing effort and commitment.

There are many simple yet effective ways that we can all contribute to a more sustainable future in our daily lives. This can include things like reducing our energy use, choosing reusable products instead of single-use items, reducing our meat consumption, and supporting businesses and organizations that prioritize sustainability.

By making small changes in our daily habits and encouraging others to do the same, we can make a significant impact on the health of our planet. It's important to remember that even small actions can add up to create meaningful change over time.

Furthermore, we can continue to support environmental causes and initiatives beyond Earth Day. This can include things like volunteering with local organizations, supporting environmentally conscious businesses and products, and advocating for policy changes at the local, national, and global levels.


So you might be wondering exactly how can we turn our daily lives into a more eco-friendly habits to evolve and become more sustainable…

Here are 10 Easy Ways to Be More Sustainable in 2023

From the

1. Cut Single-Use Plastic at the Source

It is widely known that plastic water bottles have a negative impact on the environment. Every year, Americans consume 50 billion plastic water bottles, which requires 11 million barrels of oil to produce, and most of them end up in landfills instead of being recycled. Additionally, plastic water bottles can contain microplastics and harmful chemicals that can leach into the water, especially when exposed to heat. Fortunately, it's easy to make a positive change by switching to a water filter. By installing a water filter at home, you can enjoy clean and pure drinking water right from your tap, eliminating the need for plastic water bottles. Not only is this a more sustainable choice, but it can also save you time and money in the long run. One highly recommended water filter option is the Berkey water filter, which has superior filtering abilities and doesn't need to be changed very often, making it convenient for daily use. By making the switch to a water filter, you can reduce your environmental impact and enjoy the benefits of clean drinking water right from the comfort of your home.

2. Reduce Your Energy Consumption

A major way to practice sustainability at home is by being mindful of your energy consumption. By making certain changes to your home, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. Here are some tips on how to save energy and money at home:

  • Consider switching from gas appliances to electric ones.

  • Choose energy-efficient appliances when purchasing new ones.

  • Install motion sensors and dimmers to avoid unnecessary use of lights.

  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs.

  • Install solar panels to switch to renewable energy.

  • Regulate temperatures by controlling your thermostat during the day and night, reducing the use of air conditioning and heating.

  • Unplug appliances when not in use and turn off lights when leaving the room.

By simplifying your lifestyle and using less energy, you can reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment. Taking these steps to conserve energy will not only save you money in the long run, but will also contribute to a more sustainable future for us all.

Bonus: Offset Your Energy Bill with Renewable Certificates

Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are much better for the planet compared to coal and fossil fuel based energy sources. Investing in renewable sources can make a big difference in the impact of your home and contribute towards sustainability.

If you can’t install solar panels or select renewable energy from your utilities provider, there is another way you can make an impact. Consider subscribing to a service like Arcadia to make your monthly utilities bill green for as little as $5 a month.

3. Easy Ways to Recycle + Reuse

Reducing your carbon footprint can be achieved through recycling and reusing materials. Recycling involves the collection and processing of recyclable materials, such as plastic bottles, containers, paper, cardboard, newspapers, aluminum cans, tin cans, and metal items like pots, pans, and cutlery. Reusing, on the other hand, involves using something that has already been used before instead of purchasing something new.

Plastics, in particular, pose a significant threat to the environment, but recycling them can help reduce the damage. Recycling and reusing conserves resources by keeping them out of landfills and extracting raw materials from waste products. For example, you can reuse coffee cups multiple times instead of discarding them after one use. To learn more about recycling, check out our guide. By recycling and reusing, you can make a positive impact on the environment and reduce your carbon footprint.

4. Simple Tips to Live a Zero Waste Lifestyle

Adopting Zero Waste living hacks is a great way to make a difference. Here’s a few easy ways for you to get started.

Sustainable Living 101: Get a Reusable Water Bottle

This tip is pretty straightforward but important nonetheless! As an extension of the previous point, switching to a reusable water bottle is another way to reduce your reliance on single-use plastics. With a water filter installed at home, you can fill up your reusable bottle and take it with you wherever you go. You may even consider keeping a reusable water bottle in your car for convenience when filling up at rest stops, the gym, school, work, or anywhere else your travels take you.

This will help you cut back on single-use plastic when you’re not at home and traveling, or out and about. Here’s one we like.

Sustainable Grocery Shopping: Bring Your Own Bags

One effective way to eliminate plastic single-use grocery bags is to bring your own reusable grocery bags when shopping. It's true that the resources required to produce a reusable bag may be greater than those for a single-use bag, but the key factor is usage. When a reusable bag is actually used, the environmental impact completely shifts. After approximately 20 uses, the impact turns positive and becomes even more eco-friendly with each subsequent use. By avoiding plastic bags, you're also reducing plastic and fossil fuel consumption.

Get a Reusable Coffee Tumbler + Containers for Leftovers

You’ve got the water bottle, now let’s do the same with our coffee and food. Get some nice reusable containers that you’ll use again and again for your food storage and coffee on the go.

These habits can also help you save money by reducing how much coffee and food you buy out, and increasing what you bring from home. Here’s a tumbler we love.

5. Cut Fast Fashion and Support Environmentally Friendly Clothes

Fast fashion is bad for the planet. You can read all about that here. Luckily you don’t have to support fast fashion brands. Opt instead for shopping your own closet, thrifting, and supporting sustainable fashion brands. For 97+ great brands that are better for people and the planet, check out our brand guide.

6. Don’t Throw Away Old Clothes and Shoes: Do This Instead

The fast fashion industry has led to a significant increase in clothing waste, with clothes ending up in landfills at an alarming rate. However, it's important to remember that clothes are not trash and can be disposed of responsibly to make a positive impact.

For an easy solution, we recommend exploring For Days. This platform provides a sustainable approach to fashion by offering a closed-loop system, allowing you to recycle and reuse your clothing. By choosing responsible disposal methods and supporting sustainable fashion, you can help reduce clothing waste and make a difference in the fight against fast fashion.

7. Save Trees and Your Bum: Ditch Toilet Paper

Remember the toilet paper shortage during covid-19? You can protect yourself from future shortages and save lots of trees by ditching toilet paper (or at the very least, using WAY less).

And the way to do that: a bidet. Bidet’s use water to clean your bum, which it turns out is much more efficient. The end result is saving trees, using less resources, and a cleaner bum.

You’ll even spend less time in the bathroom. With so many advantages (saving time, money, trees, and your hygiene), what are you waiting for? We like this one from Tushy.

8. Use Public Transportation to Live More Sustainably

Using public transport and choosing more environmentally-friendly modes of transportation can reduce your carbon footprint and save you money. Compared to driving your car, taking public transportation can reduce your CO2 emissions by 45% per use.

Try to opt for public transportation or carpooling when you can. It makes a difference.

9. Reduce Water Usage

Conserving water is a simple yet effective step towards sustainable living. With some simple modifications in your home, you can reduce water waste and consumption, such as installing low-flow shower heads, improving toilet flushing mechanisms, and using drip irrigation systems for your plants.

Other ways to conserve water include using minimal volumes while cleaning and taking shorter showers, as well as changing behaviors like not leaving the water running while brushing your teeth, doing the dishes, or showering. Additionally, drip irrigation systems are one of the best ways to save water in your garden, while having a rainwater harvesting system can help you reuse and recycle water.

Water shortages affect many people worldwide, but by conserving and reducing water usage, you can contribute to combating this problem while also lowering your water bill. By implementing these simple changes, you can make a positive impact on the environment and your wallet.

10. Cut Food Waste, Start a Compost and Garden

A significant amount of food ends up in landfills, where it's challenging to decompose due to plastic bags and landfill conditions. However, you can reduce food waste by starting a compost and even beginning a garden. Even if you don't want to start a garden, you can make a positive impact by composting and donating it to a friend or a local community garden or checking for a compost pick-up service in your area.

Growing a garden is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on grocery shopping. Experimenting with different plants and vegetables can help you discover which ones grow best in your region. Growing your vegetables can provide access to fresher and healthier food, and using your compost in your garden can help control weeds. Composting is made easier with a compost tumbler, and rainwater can also be used for irrigation purposes, reducing water waste.

Starting a garden can also be a fun family activity for everyone, with children learning about plant growth and cultivation, and adults enjoying quality time with their loved ones. Additionally, growing indoor plants can improve air quality, while planting trees in your yard can increase your green space and reduce your carbon footprint. Trees can also provide fruit for your household while reducing pollution and increasing sustainability.

You can even use a lot more of the veggies you chop up than you think, like watermelon rinds. I would even suggest looking into the new start-up called the mill for making your own compost and sending it off.

Looking for More Ways to Live Sustainably?

These guides cover a range of topics that can help you make a positive impact on the environment.

  1. Switch to a green bank

  2. Make your investment portfolio fossil fuel free

  3. Get a microfiber filter for your laundry

  4. Check out our zero waste laundry tips

What is Sustainable Living?

Sustainable living is a lifestyle all about adjusting aspects of your day to day life to reduce your environmental impact. It’s been gaining popularity recently as people increasingly recognize the impact humans have on the planet. From climate change to deforestation, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, overflowing landfills, oil spills, and plastic in the ocean it is undeniable that we are changing the planet we are lucky to call home.

While it might seem that individual impact won’t change everything, it’s something we can all do to take personal responsibility and do our part. And if we all do our part, it really could change everything.

How Can You Be 100% Sustainable?

Incremental improvement is a great goal to have but living a 100% sustainable lifestyle is not realistic. There will always be more we can do and ways we can improve.

What we can do is take action on one thing at a time. Make a change that’s easy and realistic for you to do today. Then, when you’re ready, make another change.

A Note on Eco-Perfectionism

Trying hard to live a 100% sustainable life is also known as eco-perfectionism. Eco-perfectionism refers to trying to be perfect in every aspect of our lives to live as sustainably as possible. While a noble goal, this can lead to burnout, and mental health challenges, and be counterproductive in the end, especially if you give up.

Remember, we don’t need a few people living perfectly sustainable lives. We need millions of people living more sustainably, and doing what they can.

You Can Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle!

It is possible to reduce your carbon footprint and go green without spending much money. In fact, many of these solutions can lead to considerable money savings long term, even if they require some upfront investment in the short term (think solar panels).

By making some easy lifestyle changes, you can contribute towards environmental sustainability. Going green helps protect our planet and ensure a better quality of life. Sustainability also helps us minimize our contributions toward global warming.

The above tips will guide you on ways to be sustainable at home, reducing and reusing household products, conserving electricity, or growing your food. The more you practice sustainability at home, the better it is for the environment.

Make Your Impact Go Further

and to conclude today, sharing your knowledge and experience with others is a powerful way to spread awareness about sustainable living and make an even greater impact. By sharing the tips and tricks you've learned, you can encourage others to adopt more sustainable habits and help create a more environmentally conscious community. This not only benefits the planet but also fosters a sense of community and responsibility toward our shared future. Together, we can make a significant impact towards a more sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.


Here is a great watermelon rind recipe:



  1. Trim off any red flesh from 1 pound watermelon rinds, then cut the rinds into 1-inch pieces until you have 2 cups. Trim the stem end from 1 dried Kashmiri chile.

  2. Heat 1 tablespoon ghee or grapeseed oil in a medium or large nonstick frying pan over high heat. The pan is ready if you add 1 black mustard seed and it crackles at once. Reduce the heat to medium and add 1 teaspoon black mustard seeds, followed quickly by 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, 1/2 teaspoon asafoetida, 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric, and the chile. The spices will sputter and spit hot oil, so be careful!

  3. In a few seconds, the spices will slightly darken in color. Add the watermelon rind, stir to coat in the spices, and spread into an even layer. Fry without flipping until the bottom is light golden brown, about 10 minutes. Flip the pieces and fry until the second side is golden-brown, 7 to 10 minutes more. Taste and season with kosher salt as needed. This is best eaten fresh plain or with a phulka or roti.


Watermelon: A large watermelon (about 6 1/2 pounds) would yield about 2 pounds rind, so choose your fruit accordingly. If you have a leftover rind, it can easily be repurposed into a pickle (see headnote). Storage: This is best eaten immediately, but leftovers can be refrigerated in an airtight container up to 4 days.

As Always,

Be Kind, Do Fearless

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